Examples: [Collected via Facebook, July 2015] Where does this come from?Obama Just Announced He Is Going to Redesign America's Flag Origins: On 5 April 2015, the disreputable American News web site engaged in their usual practice of posting old news under misleading, sensationalized clickbait headlines when they published an article titled BREAKING: Obama Just Announced He Is Going To Redesign America's Flag to THIS. That news was neither BREAKING nor accurate, however: the underlying story was from September 2012, and the THIS referred to was a print of a stylized U.S. flag design offered for sale to supporters by Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, not a proposed redesign of the U.S. national flag. The item in question was a screen print showing a stylized rendition of the U.S. flag with the Obama campaign logo replacing the field of stars in the canton, as shown above. The 24x36 Our Stripes: Flag Print poster was designed by Ross Bruggink and Dan Olson and was sold in a limited edition of 250 hand-numbered units for $35 each. A statement issued by the Obama campaign via Twitter described the image as A poster to say there are no red states or blue states, only the United States: Another print by the same designers (Our Stripes: Flag Print), also offered for sale on the Obama campaign site, featured a similar design in the shape of an outline of the United States: The pages for both these items were removed from the Obama campaign site's online store about four days after they went up. Banners created by placing a candidate's image, name, or other representation on the U.S. flag as a form of campaign promotion have a long history in American politics and were quite common from the 1840s to the 1880s, as illustrated by this example from 1860: