A n image has been shared on Facebook with the claim it shows a Sudanese minister wearing a surgical mask while speaking to a Chinese official. This is how the Sudanese minister welcomed the Chinese Ambassador at his office, the caption reads . The post, from 8 February 2020, seems to be a reference to the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak. Coronaviruses are a group of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more serious diseases. An outbreak of a new strain , technically known as 2019-nCoV and now named Covid-19 , was identified in Wuhan , China in late December 2019. According to the World Health Organization ’s most recent update on the outbreak, for 12 February 2020 , the virus has claimed 1,114 lives in China, and one in the Philippines. There have been no confirmed Covid-19 cases or deaths anywhere in Africa. The WHO advises people to wear face masks to protect themselves and others when there are symptoms of infection. But did a Sudanese minister wear a mask when he met the Chinese ambassador? Image photoshopped A reverse image search traces the original image to the website of Sudan’s ministry of foreign affairs. The Arabic headline roughly translates as: The Minister of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs receives the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China. It was published on 3 February 2020. In the original photo the Sudanese official is not wearing a mask. The image shared on social media has been digitally altered. The Sudanese minister, Omer Gamar-Eldin Ismail, was meeting the ambassador, Ma Xinmin, in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. The original image was posted on the official Twitter account of the ministry on 3 February. The ministry also tweeted other photos which show the minister with other visitors in his office. And no one is wearing a surgical mask. – Dancan Bwire