Online misinformation is so pervasive that you can’t even trust your own sister tweeting something nice. Indeed, President Donald Trump was duped on Nov. 20 when he voiced his gratitude to his sister, Elizabeth Trump Grau, for supporting him. Trump shared a tweet from Wayne Dupree Media, which had said a day earlier that Trump’s sister Elizabeth never speaks about politics, but she felt it was imperative that she show her support for Trump and also call out the 2020 election for what it was... The tweet linked to WayneDupree.com, which featured a supposed tweet from Elizabeth Trump Grau in which she said on Nov. 18: This election inspired me to break my silence and speak out on behalf of my family. My brother Don won this election and will fight this to the very end. We’ve always been a family of fighters. We are all so proud of him and the job he has done for our country. 4 MORE YEARS! Elizabeth Trump Grau, who worked at Chase Manhattan Bank before she retired, has stayed out of the public eye . The post on WayneDupree.com has since been updated to say that, actually, the tweet came from a ‘parody’ account. But it continues to spread widely on social media, such as in this post , which was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) The fake Twitter account — @TheBettyTrump — has been suspended . But before it was scrubbed from the platform, the account tweeted on Nov. 20: I would’ve clarified sooner that I was a parody but I certainly didn’t anticipate President Trump himself taking notice of the account. Don’t blame @WayneDupreeShow... it’s on me for not making that clear. Hope y’all will forgive me - feel bad for creating any confusion. A woman who identified herself as Elizabeth Trump Grau told VICE News she was just annoyed by the whole thing. We rate this Facebook post False. This fact check is available at IFCN’s 2020 US Elections #Chatbot on WhatsApp. Click here , for more.