  • 2015-08-09 (xsd:date)
  • Netflix N Chill Lawsuit (en)
  • Example: [Collected via Twitter, August 2015] Origins: In August 2015, the web site Huzlers published an article reporting that a 16-year-old girl's mother had filed a lawsuit against the Netflix video streaming service after her daughter was impregnated during a Netflix N Chill date: 16 Year Old Andrea Brown is now pregnant after falling victim to a Netflix N Chill Date. Her mother is suing Netflix for $50,000 claiming that teenagers like her daughter are extremely prone to sexual intercourse when watching Netflix, and because of that, Netflix is to blame for the pregnancy. Netflix has not yet responded to the lawsuit, but are expected to within the next few days. Experts are also advising people to cancel their Netflix subscriptions and subscribe to Hulu instead. 73% of Netflix N Chill dates lead to sexual intercourse while only 12% of Hulu N Chill Dates lead to sexual intercourse, says Psychiatrist Ana Jennings. Something has to be done. There is no truth to the above-quoted story. Huzlers is another fake news web site that publishes fabricated stories and whose previous offerings include fictional reports about the FDA's finding cocaine in cans of Coors Light, Tupac Shakur's coming out of hiding, and the moon landings being fake. A disclaimer on Huzlers states that the web site is the most notorious urban satirical entertainment web site in the world and publishes the most shocking headlines and articles. (en)