  • 2018-05-17 (xsd:date)
  • NHS viral image factcheck (en)
  • The rate of extra investment in the NHS has fallen by 68% since 2010. Correct, although this refers to growth in all UK health spending, rather than just for the NHS. It compares the periods 1955/56 to 2015/16 (when health spending grew by an average of 4% in real terms each year) and 2009/10 to 2015/16 (when it grew by an average of 1.3% a year). There are 16,481 fewer beds in hospitals since 2010. This is in the right ballpark, but it doesn’t seem to be the best comparison. It seems to compare the number of beds at different times of the year, but the number available fluctuates seasonally. Comparing July-September in 2010 and 2017, the decrease in beds available overnight in England is closer to 13,200. 66 A&E and maternity wards have been closed. We don’t know, as this information isn’t collected nationally. In 2014, there were reportedly plans to close or downgrade 66 in England, but while some have been, others have stayed open. 103 NHS walk-in centres have closed or been downgraded since 2010. We don’t know exactly, as this information isn’t collected centrally. Research from an NHS regulator and from campaign group 38 Degrees suggests more than 90 have been closed or downgraded. 60 ambulance stations have closed since 2010. We don’t know how many ambulance stations have closed since 2010 as national figures on this aren’t regularly published. 1,000 GP practices have closed since 2010. There are around 1,000 fewer GP practices in England in 2017 than in 2010. Some practices may have merged together, rather than closing completely, but we don’t know how many have done so. A&E four hour targets have been missed more than 10 million times since 2010. Correct. Between 2010/11 and 2017/18, around 12 million A&E attendances in England took over four hours from arrival to admission, transfer or discharge. The number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E is up 2,700% since 2010. Correct (although not all patients will necessarily have been waiting in A&E). In 2011/12, 120 patients in England waited 12 hours between the decision to admit them to emergency admissions and their actual admission, compared to 3,500 in 2017/18. Spending on social care is down 8% since 2010. Analysis by the Institute for Fiscal Studies last year said that between 2009/10 and 2016/17, councils’ spending on adult social care in England fell 8% in real terms. Newer analysis says that it fell by 6% over the same period. We’ve asked it for more information. There are 5,240 fewer mental health nurses since 2010. This seems to be looking at different months in 2010 and 2017, which isn’t the best comparison. Comparing the number of full-time equivalent mental health nurses between January 2010 and January 2018 (the latest figures), the drop is closer to 4,500. The number of operations classed as urgent that have been cancelled twice have doubled since 2010. Correct. The number of urgent operations in England cancelled for the second time or more for non-medical reasons more than doubled between 2011/12 and 2017/18. There has been a 22% drop in ambulances meeting their 15 minute transfer target since 2010. The decrease is actually greater—28%. In 2010/11 in England 80% of ambulance transfers were done in 15 minutes, in 2015/16 it was 58%. Some of our readers have asked us to factcheck this graphic on the NHS, which had been shared over 11,000 times on Facebook at the time of writing. Unless otherwise stated this article relates to the NHS in England. The rate of extra investment has fallen by 68% [since 2010]. 16,481 fewer beds in hospitals [since 2010]. 66 A&E and maternity wards closed [since 2010]. 103 NHS walk-in centres closed or downgraded [since 2010]. 60 ambulance stations closed [since 2010]. 1,000 GP practices closed [since 2010]. A&E 4 hour targets missed more than 10 million times [since 2010]. Number of patients waiting more than 12 hours in A&E up 2,700% [since 2010]. Spending on adult social care down 8% [since 2010]. 5,240 fewer mental health nurses [since 2010]. The number of operations classed as urgent that have been cancelled twice have doubled [since 2010]. 22% drop in ambulances meeting their 15 minute transfer target [since 2010]. (en)