  • 2020-08-13 (xsd:date)
  • Did Nick Jonas Tweet That It’s ‘Weird’ He Sings Songs About Sexy... (en)
  • Did Nick Jonas Tweet That It’s ‘Weird’ He Sings Songs About Sexy Ladies with His Brothers? Claim In August 2020, Nick Jonas wrote a series of tweets about how weird it was to sing about sexy ladies with his brothers. Rating Not True Like this fact check? Reporting On August 12 2020 a screenshot was shared to Facebook , purporting to show a genuine Twitter thread in which Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers wondered aloud whether it was weird to sing about sexy ladies with your brothers: The thread, or what appeared to be a thread, began: Okay guys, there’s something that’s been really bothering me lately and I just gotta ask... is it weird that my job is literally just singing about sexy ladies with my brothers?? Like instead of going to an office or like doing construction, I spend all day writing songs about what I want hot girls to do to me. And I sing those songs with my two older brothers. Imagine if you were hanging out with your family and you were just like, Hey dad, I love to have sex with women, and your dad was like Hell yeah, let’s all sing a song about my son getting laid. You’d thing that was weird, right? | I asked Kevin and Joe how they feel about it and they just shrugged...NOT REASSURING!! The thread appeared to continue: Is this incest? I mean I know it’s not INCEST ... but idk...if incest is a spectrum, is getting paid to dance with your brothers to songs about touching sexy girls that you wrote with your brothers on it? idk... Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die Have you guys ever thought this about @KingsOfLeon? Do you ever wish you were signing Sex On Fire with your friends instead of your family?? I don’t know man, I just don’t know. Lots of bands do it I guess. Oasis, Haim, etc On second thought Haim is sisters. Maybe that makes it okay. Not sure... Me & my bros had the one song about the time machine but basically all the other ones are about pretty girls... should they have all been about time machines? Maybe from here on out all our songs will be about something that’s normal to discuss with siblins... Cars, yardwork, mom and dad, etc It concluded with two tweets: Honestly don’t know what I would do all day if I weren’t singing about sex with my brothers. Do not have resume. I’m not on LinkedIn. Basically no marketable skills except singing about getting laid with my immediate family. Ugh... Whatever. At the end of the day I guess some jobs are just weird and this just happens to be mine. Been doing this since I was like 10 so why stop now I suppose... More than 13,000 people shared the thread in a 24 hour span, thousands more tagging friends in the comments. No contextual information accompanied the purported Nick Jonas tweets, likely exacerbating its spread. However, the source was very recent and very easy to find. Jonas did not tweet the remarks (his Twitter account’s absence of any of the tweets was our first big clue), but on August 12 2020, ClickHole published Career Crisis: Nick Jonas Is Tweeting About Whether Or Not It’s Weird That His Job Is Singing About Sexy Ladies With His Brothers, which began: If you’re a Jonas Brothers fan, you’ll want to keep reading, because the youngest member of the group is having a public meltdown that might affect the future of his career: Nick Jonas is tweeting about whether or not it’s weird that his job is singing about sexy ladies with his brothers. Wow. Nick is definitely working through something here. Commenters on the article said things like p sure it’s fake, and alluded to Jonas having deleted the tweets and learning of them only on Facebook: The tweets have since been removed, no one has said a word about this anywhere although I’ve seen lots of posts on facebook showing the string of apparent self crisis. ClickHole’s About page was in a question and answer format, making its satirical intent clear: What is the goal of ClickHole? Let’s be honest: Today, the average website carelessly churns out hundreds of pieces of pandering, misleading content, most of which tragically fall short of going viral. At ClickHole, we refuse to stand for this. We strive to make sure that all of our content panders to and misleads our readers just enough to make it go viral. You see, we don’t think anything on the internet should ever have to settle for mere tens of thousands of pageviews. We believe that each and every article—whether about pop culture, politics, internet trends, or social justice—should be clicked on and shared by hundreds of millions of internet users before they can even comprehend what they just read. The series of purported Nick Jonas tweets musing about whether singing about sexy ladies with his brothers was incest was a common issue with online satire — elements (like the fabricated screenshots) quickly became decoupled from their source, and spread without context. The tweets were created as a joke, and clearly not by Nick Jonas. Article Sources + Career Crisis: Nick Jonas Is Tweeting About Whether Or Not It’s Weird That His Job Is Singing About Sexy Ladies With His Brothers ClickHole | About ClickHole Posted in Fact Checks , Viral Content Tagged clickhole , decoupled from source , fake tweets , humor , nick jonas , satire , viral facebook posts , viral tweets (en)