Example: [Collected via e-mail, 2006] ALL CALL - Hunters, start drooling! - New World RecordAs if all you hunters weren't excited enough for hunting season!This Elk was killed with a bow in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. He green scored 575 and should net out at about 530 non typical. He has an unbelievable outside spread of 79. This is the biggest bull evertaken with any weapon. Origins: The above-displayed photograph shows a very large bull elk killed in September 2006, reportedly by a hunter using a bow in Selway-Bitterroot, a wilderness area encompassing over 1.3 million acres in Idaho and Montana. Although this bull would have been considerably larger than any other native, free-ranging elk ever documented as having been taken in the Selway-Bitterroot region, the animal was apparently raised and killed on a game farm in Quebec, Canada, not in Selway-Bitterroot.