  • 2019-11-20 (xsd:date)
  • Greta Thunberg Time Traveller Picture – Truth or Fiction? (en)
  • Greta Thunberg Time Traveller Picture Claim An archival image from the late 19th century shows a girl with a striking resemblance to Greta Thunberg. Rating True Like this fact check? Reporting Around November 18 2019, several tweets compared photographs of Greta Thunberg side by side with a generations-old image of a girl with a strong resemblance to the young modern-day activist, suggesting that she is a time traveler : So, ‘Greta Thunberg’ is in a photo from 120 years ago, and it’s my new favourite conspiracy. Greta’s a time traveller, from the future, and she’s here to save us. — Jack – J.S. Strange (@JackSamStrange) November 18, 2019 Greta Thunberg's a time traveller... Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die — Tess Summers (@tesssummers98) November 18, 2019 Posts about the Thunberg time travel conspiracy also appeared on r/funny : Greta Thunberg may or may not be a time traveler from funny And r/HistoryMemes : Greta Thunberg, the time traveler. from HistoryMemes A commenter responded : So that’s why she’s so adamant about climate change awareness. She’s been to the future and knows how f***ed we are. The historical meme was not the first time people found the young activist in years-old material. Thunberg was even the subject of her own Simpsons predicted it meme, in which a plotline in the show’s movie purportedly foretold her rise to fame for climate activism. Typically, sharers commented that Greta Thunberg is a time traveler , and in at least one, a user mused she was here in 2019 from the future to save us. News outlets were quick to describe the viral photograph as a conspiracy theory, but it didn’t seem anyone was genuinely claiming that Thunberg had actually traveled through time in order to avert catastrophes: The uncanny resemblance has since sparked a Twitter discussion, with many agreeing that the picture shows a Greta lookalike. One person tweeted: What it is, right, is that actually she’s a time traveller, and she’s come to warn us about the future. It’s the only explanation. While another wrote: Wow. Uncanny. That’s scary! A third wrote: Pretty amazing doppelgänger. Framing the meme as a legitimate conspiracy theory seems to be a form of engagement bait and clickbait, riling up commenters to decry anyone taking it seriously — which no one seemed to be doing. An example of the conspiracy theory appeared on one blog : I 100% Believe This Conspiracy Theory That Greta Thunberg Is A Time-Traveller From 1898 Greta Thunberg is too good for this world, which is exactly why I’ve dived head first into this conspiracy theory that she is, in fact, a time traveller. Because anyone who is doing good things could not possibly be from this trash-human planet right now, am I right? Someone, according to 7 News, managed to find this Ye Olde photo from the University of Washington archives, and did a double take because hot damn, how much does the kid on the left look exactly like Greta? Extremely so. Interestingly, one TinEye search returned a single result from March 2018; Thunberg came to prominence in or around August 2018. However, that image was connected to a defunct link, and we were unable to find a better quality version of it: The 120-year-old image is authentic and undoctored. It was archived by the University of Washington and dated circa 1898: Three children operating rocker at a gold mine on Dominion Creek, Yukon Territory, ca. 1898. Photographer Hegg, Eric A., 1867-1948 Caption on image: Youths operating gold mines on Dominion. Klondyke, Y.T. Klondike Gold Rush In its original, uncropped form, it looked like this: After readers found the image, many joked that young climate activist Greta Thunberg was a time traveler from the future trying to save the world from a changing climate. The photograph was a little more than 120 years old, and shows three children, one of whom bore a strong resemblance to Thunberg. We found no indication that anyone genuinely believes the conspiracy theory, simply that people noticed a previously circulating image and thought the resemblance was funny. For its part, the actual image is real. Posted in Fact Checks , Viral Content Tagged greta thunberg , greta thunberg face , history memes , time travel , time traveler videos , viral tweets (en)