Some of the most chilling photographs documenting the horrors of the Holocaust feature neither the perpetrators nor the victims of that genocide. Rather, these haunting images document enormous caches of suitcases, clothing, hair, shoes, eyeglasses, artificial limbs, jewelry teeth, and other items confiscated from victims sent to various Nazi death camps: One picture of this type is frequently circulated via social media, said to show wedding or engagement rings removed from the fingers of Holocaust victims: The photograph included in the above tweet is indeed a genuine archival representation of this class of image. The accompanying caption provided by Getty Images describes it as follows: A US soldier inspects thousands of gold wedding bands taken from Jews by the Nazis and stashed in the Heilbronn Salt Mines on May 3, 1945, in Germany. The treasures were uncovered by allied forces after the defeat of Nazi Germany. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum archives the same photograph with an expanded description of what it depicts: