  • 2004-06-17 (xsd:date)
  • A Case of Xenolingual Autoeroticism (en)
  • Although we can't confirm all the details of the following item (it may have become embellished through multiple retellings, or it may derive from a source other than the one we located), we can verify that the basics of the incident related are true: A 1990 article published in the American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology described a case in which a 29-year-old woman visited a clinic complaining of missed periods and seeking termination of a possible pregnancy. The examining physician found and removed a cylindrical mass of pale-gray tissue (7 cm long and 3 cm in diameter) from her vagina. The elicitation of further historical information from the patient confirmed the object was a deer tongue used for masturbation. The journal article provided no details about how the woman had obtained the deer tongue, how long it had been lodged in her vagina, or whether she had truly forgotten about it until she started missing periods. (It's quite possible the patient had inserted the tongue only a day or two earlier, had been unable to retrieve it herself, and then made up a story about being concerned over missed periods and a possible pregnancy as a means of prompting a doctor's examination because she was too embarrassed to disclose to medical personnel the true nature of her complaint.) The authors of the article did, however, explain their motivations for presenting this case history via a medical journal: (en)