  • 2016-07-12 (xsd:date)
  • Pokémon Was Originally Designed for Satanists (en)
  • In July 2016, the internet was flooded with stories (some true, many false) about Nintendo's widely popular new game, Pokémon GO. The game's popularity even managed to resurrect an old, fake interview with the game's creator, Satoshi Tajiri, in which he purportedly stated that Pokémon was deliberately anti-Christian, and more than that, was created with Satanists in mind: The interview displayed above is a work of humorous fiction that was originally published on gaming site Play4Real on 7 November 2012. Tajiri did, however, give a real interview to TIME magazine, which was published in November 1999: Tajiri's real interview with TIME was mostly about the origin of the game and its unique design. Tajiri said that it came from several different aspects of his childhood (he collected bugs and liked manga comics) and he only mentioned inspiration when saying that he got his best ideas when he was sleep deprived: Satanism did not come up during the interview. (en)