  • 2022-09-07 (xsd:date)
  • Image Falsely Claims Washington Post Columnist Tweeted About Mass Arrests After Joe Biden’s Recent Speech (en)
  • An image shared on Facebook claims Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin tweeted mass arrests should occur following President Joe Biden’s speech in Philadelphia. Verdict: False The tweet is digitally fabricated. An editor who originally spread the claim later admitted the tweet was false. Fact Check: Biden gave a speech Sept. 1 in Philadelphia where he criticized former President Donald Trump and stated that equality and democracy are ‘under assault,' according to Politico . Critics of the speech accused the president of trying to stoke already-tense divisions in the country, the outlet reported. The Facebook image appears to show a deleted tweet from Rubin about the speech, stating, Biden’s Philadelphia speech met the moment. Mass arrests should come next. The tweet is fabricated. There are no credible news reports suggesting the columnist ever tweeted such a remark. Check Your Fact also reviewed archived screenshots from Rubin’s Twitter account and did not find the alleged tweet. Furthermore, the image of the fabricated post is time stamped at 7:47 pm, presumably EST as Rubin’s Twitter account states she is based in the District of Columbia. However, Biden’s speech did not even commence until 8:03 pm EST, according to the White House website . This was a fraudulent post which was taken down, Rubin told Check Your Fact via email. (RELATED: Did The Washington Post Publish An Article Calling For Joe Biden To Cancel The Midterms?) Rod Dreher, a senior editor at the American Conservative, initially spread the claim but later corrected himself on Twitter . I just found out that that mass arrests tweet purportedly by Jennifer Rubin was fake. I deleted it, and I apologize to her. Still, the fact that so many ppl found it plausible says something. — Rod Dreher (@roddreher) September 2, 2022 I just found out that that ‘mass arrests’ tweet purportedly by Jennifer Rubin was fake. I deleted it, and I apologize to her, Dreher tweeted . Still, the fact that so many ppl found it plausible says something. This is not the first time a fabricated post has been incorrectly attributed to Rubin. Check Your Fact recently debunked an image suggesting the columnist called on Biden to cancel the upcoming midterms. (en)