  • 2010-10-21 (xsd:date)
  • Hunter Scott Birthday Card Wish (en)
  • Example: [Collected via e-mail, October 2010] Hello All,I was just at a meeting at our Women's Church group and one of the women put out a request. The grandnephew of one of our members, Hunter Scott, has been fighting for the last couple of years with brain cancer. He is going to turn 7 years old on October 13th. When he was asked what he wanted for his birthday, he said he wanted to get a lot of birthday cards. We have been asked to reach out to others to see if they will send him a birthday card. We're not asking to send money, only a card. He has been in and out of Children's' Hospital in Washington, DC, and is a real fighter. Though the doctors have said that this will probably be his last birthday. If you have time and an extra card, can you send one to him? If you are comfortable sending this request to your friends, I know he would love to get cards from all over the country. More than anything though, he and his family could use your prayers.Send cards to:Hunter Scottc/o Jessica KoehnP.O. Box 278St. Leonard, MD 20685 Origins: According to an update posted to Hunter Scott's CarePages site on 5 October 2010, although Hunter was battling a form of brain cancer, his family said his situation was not quite as dire as made out in the widely circulated e-mail reproduced above: It has come to our attention that an email is being distributed/forwarded around the local community in regards to Hunter's upcoming birthday and requests for birthday wishes/cards. The email is somewhat harsh and makes several statements that are untrue and a specific statement that has never been stated by anyone on his team of doctors. If you see or are aware of someone sending the email to others, get in touch with them immediately and tell them to delete the email and do NOT forward.While Hunter continues his fight against brain cancer, we are all living each day to the fullest and Hunter is enjoying every minute of each one. We continue to pray for a cure and have everlasting hope that Hunter will continue his journey and beat this.As always, thank you for your continued hope and prayers and we look forward to celebrating Hunter's birthday this month.Hunter's parents also posted a message noting that: Eric and I have been getting many calls about birthday cards that have been collected for Hunter that were requested in emails. Please know that if anyone would like to send a birthday or well wishes to Hunter our family will gladly accept them. We just wanted to clarify and avoid further distribution of inaccurate information that was included in one of the emails.Hunter Scott passed away on 2 July 2011. (en)