  • 2020-03-19 (xsd:date)
  • No, Trump didn’t tweet this about $1,000 checks (en)
  • There’s bipartisan support for a proposal to send American adults a check for $1,000 as part of an economic stimulus package to stave off a recession during the coronavirus pandemic. So it seems unlikely that Democrats would sign onto a deal that discriminates against, well, Democrats. But an image being shared on social media makes it look like President Donald Trump is threatening just that. Yes, I ordered the Treasury secretary to send checks to Americans! reads what looks like a tweet sent from Trump’s account on March 17. First however, we will go through your social media history from the last 4 years and search for any post with #NotMyPresident in it. I wouldn’t think of offending you with a check if I’m not your president! #MAGA This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) Trump has tweeted a lot in the past few days, but he tweeted no such thing as the statement appearing in the Instagram post. The tweet also doesn’t appear in this database of tweets Trump deleted. We rate it Pants on Fire. (en)