  • 2016-05-24 (xsd:date)
  • Donald Trump Plans to Declare War on Americans? (en)
  • On 23 May 2016, the website news.groopspeak published an article with an outraged headline (BREAKING: Trump Wants Congress To Declare War – Against ‘People In The U.S.’). According to the article, presidential candidate Donald Trump announced that he wanted to authorize war against potential terrorists within the borders of the United States: The story was rewritten from a Politico article published earlier that day. The original piece had reported that Trump discussed formally declaring war on terrorism: Fox News transcribed most of its broadcast content for publication on its web site, and Trump's O'Reilly Factor appearance transcript was readily available by 24 May 2016. Trump commented about declaring war or military action at the start of the clip, after O'Reilly asked whether Trump believed the recent crash of an Egyptian airliner was related to terrorism: Although it is possible to extrapolate from Trump's comments that such a declaration of war might affect people within U.S. borders or U.S. citizens, it's a leap to state Trump said any such thing either proactively or definitively. Trump was ambiguous in answering O'Reilly's questions about counterterrorism, and it did seem that he believes terror cells exist or operate inside the United States and that future attacks were possible or likely, but at no point did he specifically suggest that he would declare war on Americans or on U.S. soil. (en)