An image shared on Facebook purportedly shows a jaguar being rescued from the Amazon wildfires. Verdict: False The photo, taken in 2016, actually shows a jaguar swimming with a soldier after the wild animal’s mother was killed by hunters. Its rescue was not related to any wildfires. Fact Check: The Amazon Rainforest has been impacted by a record number of forest fires in recent months, reports Newsweek . Mazeika Sullivan, an associate professor at Ohio State University’s School of Environment and Natural Resources, told National Geographic that the wildfires have taken a massive toll on wildlife in the short term. The picture does not, however, depict an animal affected by these wildfires. A reverse image search reveals that it actually shows a jaguar swimming with a Brazilian soldier in the river near Manaus, the state capital of Amazonas . None Mangeira, a Brazilian photographer, took the picture in 2016, according to her Facebook page . It has nothing to do with the fires, Mangueira told the Associated Press in an interview. The jaguar, named Jiquitaia, was adopted by the Brazilian army after hunters killed its mother, according to her. It was two years old at the time of the photograph, which was taken for a conservation project. The image has been miscaptioned and used without permission previously, according to the Associated Press .