  • 2018-06-01 (xsd:date)
  • Is Congressional Candidate Nathan Larson an Admitted Pedophile? (en)
  • On 31 May 2018 Huffington Post reporters Andy Campbell and Jesselyn Cook published an article about Nathan Larson, a Independent candidate from Charlottesville, Virginia, who was running for House seat in the U.S. Congress. The story was headlined Congressional Candidate in Virginia Admits He’s a Pedophile and opened as follows: Huffington Post quoted a manifesto in which Larson described Adolf Hitler as a white supremacist hero, urged the repeal of the Violence Against Women Act, and stated that [citizens] need to switch to a system that classifies women as property, initially of their fathers and later of their husbands. Cook and Campbell also quoted message board posts in which Larson purportedly repeatedly expressed a desire to have sex with infants and children, including his own daughter. Huffington Post was not the first news site to cover Larson's ideology. In March 2017, the Washington Post reported that Larson, who was then seeking state office, had served time in prison for threatening to kill the President of the United States and was running on a platform that included the legalization of child pornography: Even earlier, on 16 December 2015, a Colorado Springs Independent article on a court case pertaining to the custody of Larson's then-infant daughter mentioned Larson's acknowledgement that he was physically attracted to children: That news outlet quoted a contemporaneous email received from Larson confirming the filing of paperwork to sever his parental rights in which he referenced being attracted to kids and question[ing] the harmfulness of adult-child sex: The Colorado Springs Independent had also reported on Larson's custody case a month earlier (When Dad Is a Pedophile), quoting statements and online comments about adult-child sex that Larson identified as his: That article surmised that Larson doesn't seem clued in to the repulsion people commonly feel toward child molesters and said he had held out hope that the jurors would see his point of view, especially since he had only met the girl once, in a supervised visit. At the time of publication, Larson's spouse was deceased, and the circumstances of their rocky marriage were evidenced in court: As for Larson's congressional campaign, his web site was not operational as of 1 June 2018, although archived versions of it were captured a few weeks earlier, and separate election-related sites still listed Larson as a candidate in Virginia's 10th congressional district. Larson eventually withdrew from the race before the general election. (en)