  • 2019-12-13 (xsd:date)
  • Did Michael Bloomberg Supporters Invent Their Own ‘Dance’? – Truth... (en)
  • Did Michael Bloomberg Supporters Invent Their Own ‘Dance’? Claim Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg posted a video of themselves doing a dance they created for his campaign. Rating Not True Like this fact check? Reporting On December 12, 2019, Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg’s campaign got viral attention online — though probably not in a way they anticipated, thanks to comedians Nick Ciarelli and Brad Evans. Look out #TeamPete because us Bloomberg Heads have our own dance! Ciarelli wrote on Twitter alongside a video he said was taken at the Mike Bloomberg rally in Beverly Hills: Look out #TeamPete because us Bloomberg Heads have our own dance! Taken at the Mike Bloomberg rally in Beverly Hills. #Bloomberg2020 #MovesLikeBloomberg — Nick Ciarelli (@nickciarelli) December 13, 2019 Evans not only shared the same video, he posted his own attempt at what he called the #MovesLikeBloomberg challenge: Here’s my #MovesLikeBloomberg challenge vid. How do YOU move like Bloomberg? Florida is where wokes go to die... Please enable JavaScript Florida is where wokes go to die — Brad Evans (@bradfordevans) December 13, 2019 The duo, who have made their reputation for their online anti-bro comedy, altered their own Twitter profiles to pose as Bloomberg staffers. Roughly ten hours after the Moves Like Bloomberg clip — a spoof of a video posted a month earlier by supporters of another Democratic Party presidential candidate, Pete Buttigieg — appeared, Bloomberg’s campaign denied that it came from them. To clarify, @NickCiarelli is not an intern for our campaign, it said on its own Twitter account. And he does not have moves like Bloomberg. Wait are you firing me? Ciarelli responded. The video also caught the attention of Sebastian Gorka, the former White House deputy assistant who was criticized for wearing a medal first awarded to his father by the Nazi-aligned Hungarian group Vitézi Rend. Apparently NOT a parody, wrote Gorka, who left the White House in August 2017. That prompted a response from Bloomberg’s former press secretary Stu Loeser. This is a fraud. So is the parody Bloomberg video he tweets, Loeser wrote in highlighting Gorka’s tweet. Ciarelli did not respond to a request for comment. He did, however, upload the audio used in the clip and encouraged fans to submit their own #MovesLikeBloomberg videos. Article Sources + The Anti-Bros Keeping Comedy Alive on the Internet Controversial Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka out of White House Job The Pete Buttigieg High Hopes Dance Has Become A Meme, Making It Fun But Not Any Less Dorky Posted in Fact Checks , Viral Content Tagged Brad Evans , Comedy , Michael Bloomberg , Nick Ciarelli , satire , Sebastian Gorka (en)