  • 2022-05-25 (xsd:date)
  • No, Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t exposed as a CIA agent (en)
  • More than 10 years ago, the satirical publication The Onion posted a video that described Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as a CIA agent and said that the federal agency’s invention of Facebook has saved the government millions of dollars. The video is no longer live on the Onion’s website, but Mashable, reporting on it at the time, said that it was perhaps inspired by a recent interview with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who called Facebook ‘the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented.’ Recently, a similar claim started to spread on social media: They just exposed Mark Zuckerberg as a CIA agent, a May 23 Facebook post says. This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) This claim may stem from that same satirical Onion video which is newly spreading on social media via TikTok. Real news outlets, such as NBC News and CBS News , have previously reported on how the CIA and the FBI use Facebook, but there’s no evidence to support the claim that Zuckerberg was exposed as a CIA agent. We rate that claim Pants on Fire. (en)