A video shared on Facebook purports Twitter CEO Elon Musk said that he intends to purchase social media company Meta. Verdict: False This video is digitally edited. It originates from a TikTok account that posts fabricated videos of celebrities speaking. Fact Check: Twitter has suspended an account dedicated to using publicly available data to track Musk’s private jet, according to CNBC . Musk previously made a tweet stating that he would not suspend the account due to his commitment to free speech, The Guardian reported. The Facebook video claims to show Musk stating that he plans to buy Meta. The video features Musk in a suit with a microphone attached. I predict that I will buy tomorrow the entire Meta company, Musk appears to say. Facebook and Instagram will be mine too. This video is digitally fabricated. It originates from a TikTok account that promotes an editing app that alters celebrity videos. The bio claims the app to allows you to make any celebrity say anything. There are no credible news reports suggesting that Musk made such a statement. @become.some Breaking news🔥🔥🔥 #elonmusk #elonmuskmeme #elonmusknews #meta #twitter ♬ original sound – become.some The footage used comes from a TED Talk in which Musk discussed his plans to purchase Twitter. The full video can be viewed on YouTube , with the transcript not showing any mention of Meta. Check Your Fact has reached out to Twitter for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received. (RELATED: Did Elon Musk Tweet That He Plans To Buy Snapchat And Delete All Filters?) This is not the first time misinformation about Musk has spread since his acquisition of Twitter. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that Musk said former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was paid by the Democratic party.