  • 2022-07-26 (xsd:date)
  • Did New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern Once Say, 'Unless You Hear It from Us, It Is Not the Truth'? (en)
  • On the afternoon of July 25, 2022, the conservative blog The Daily Wire reshared a video on Twitter that showed New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaking to members of the press about the COVID-19 pandemic. The two highlighted moments were that Ardern said, We will continue to be your single source of truth, and, Unless you hear it from us it is not the truth. More than 16 hours later, The Daily Wire replied to its own tweet, adding a correction of sorts: Note: This clip is from 2020. However, by that point, several of the top replies to the original tweet showed that users appeared to jump to conclusions by believing that Ardern's remarks were new. The video on social media that was reshared by The Daily Wire did not include around 27 seconds that preceded the clip, in which Ardern spoke more about not being fooled by misleading information on social media in the early days of the pandemic. The New Zealand Herald hosted more of Ardern's remarks in a video that was shot from a different angle. According to the reporting, the video showed Ardern speaking in Rotorua on March 19, 2020, the same time when much of the world was experiencing the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We transcribed the longer version of Ardern attempting to reassure her citizens, which included 27 seconds (bolded below) that were not seen in the Twitter video that was reshared from another account by The Daily Wire: According to, New Zealand's four-stage alert system for COVID-19 rose to its highest-possible level just one week later on March 25, which triggered a total nationwide lockdown, with only essential services running and everyone told to stay at home, in their 'bubble.' In Ardern's remarks in the video, she promised, We will share with you the most up-to-date information daily, and said that those updates would happen frequently. She also added, We will share everything we can. Four days before Ardern said these words, The Daily Wire's co-founder, Ben Shapiro, published an opinion column in which he wrote, We should favor governments that are transparent in their distribution of information. He also added that, We must stop humoring anti-scientific rumormongering about issues like vaccines, and that misinformation about vaccinations should generally be rejected. Shapiro's column ended with this bit of advice: Jumping to conclusions based on lack of information is a serious mistake. (en)