  • 2022-08-11 (xsd:date)
  • Crowd in Kenya singing ‘everything is possible without Ruto’? No, video altered (en)
  • A grainy video posted on Twitter on 3 August 2022 shows Kenyan deputy president William Ruto and another man sitting on the sunroof of a vehicle, surrounded by a crowd of people. The people are waving placards and singing yote yawezekana bila Ruto – Kiswahili for everything is possible without Ruto. Text at the bottom of the video reads: MERU TO RUTO: GOODBYE. Meru is a Kenyan county about 223 kilometres northeast of Nairobi, the capital. At one point in the video , Ruto is heard asking the crowd: Na hii wimbo mlianza lini? This translates as: When did you begin singing this song? Ruto is vying to be Kenya’s fifth president in the elections that took place on 9 August. But is the 25-second clip authentic? We checked. ‘Meru to Uhuru: Goodbye’ We took a screenshot of the video, cropping out the text, and ran it through a Yandex reverse image search . This led us to a longer video posted on the YouTube channel of the Kenyan TV station NTV on 28 July. The Yandex link title reads: DP Ruto hits out at Pres. Kenyatta; asks him to retire in peace. On YouTube, its headline is : Maua residents chant ‘yote yawezekana bila Uhuru’ in Ruto's rally. Yote yawezekana bila Uhuru is Kiswahili for Everything is possible without Uhuru. Uhuru Kenyatta is the current president of Kenya . He has served his statutory two terms, and has endorsed Ruto’s rival, former prime minister Raila Odinga , as his successor. Ruto campaigned in Meru on 28 July. We also typed the phrase Meru to Ruto goodbye, the text on the video’s lower third, in a search on Facebook. This returned videos with titles along the lines of Meru to Uhuru: Goodbye. In the videos, the crowd is singing Kenyatta’s name, not Ruto’s. The video’s text and audio have been altered. (en)