  • 2020-07-22 (xsd:date)
  • Is This Millionaire Brandon Torrent Urinating on a Homeless Person? (en)
  • A meme commonly circulated via social media (in various languages) purports to show a New Yorker millionaire named Brandon Torrent, who in 1979 capriciously allowed himself to be photographed urinating on a homeless person: But millionaire Brandon Torrent doesn't exist, and the photograph was staged in 1983 for use on a poster by writer and cartoonist David Gessner, who based the scene upon a satirical cartoon he had drawn in college. As Gessner explained in his blog back in 2011: As noted in that blog entry, the original poster Gessner created simply bore the legend THE TRICKLE DOWN THEORY at its bottom. The text that now accompanies the photograph about New Yorker millionaire Brandon Torrent is a completely fabricated backstory that someone else added to the image: (en)