On 10 June 2018, a feud between United States President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made global headlines, reviving claims that Richard Nixon had once similarly traded barbs with Pierre Trudeau: The text reads: The quote was attributed to Canada's former Prime Minister and father of the current Canadian leader, and it circulated after Donald Trump lashed out at Justin Trudeau on Twitter in the wake of a frosty G7 summit hosted in Canada on 8 and 9 June 2018. Trump called Trudeau meek and mild and referenced false statements following a 9 June 2018 press conference during which Trudeau said Canadians are polite and reasonable, but refuse to be pushed around: The conversation appears in the United States Department of State Office of the Historian's Historical Documents from 1969-1976; transcripts of recordings from the Nixon White House were released incrementally through 2013. A transcript of a 19 May 1971 discussion about defense and diplomacy between Nixon, Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, and Assistant for National Security Affairs Henry Kissinger included an exchange referencing Pierre Trudeau. Earlier in the conversation, Nixon said: Nixon, Kissinger, and Laird continued discussing Strategic Arms Limitation Talks and European positions on force reduction negotiations. The conversation turned to a separate May 1971 discussion between the United States' Ambassador to Czechoslovakia Jacob Beam and Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko. In that portion of the exchange between Nixon, Laird, and Kissinger, Nixon referenced a statement involving Kosygin and Trudeau in 1971: When that particular transcript or recording was made public wasn't clear, but Pierre Trudeau referenced Nixon's comments in his 1993 book Memoirs. He wrote: