  • 2015-12-09 (xsd:date)
  • Trump Wants to Shut Down the Internet? (en)
  • On 7 December 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addressed a crowd of supporters at the U.S.S. Yorktown in South Carolina. During that appearance, Trump invoked a vague approach to campaign issues as he proposed restricting access for some individuals to the internet: Video of Trump's full remarks, below: Predictably, Trump's assertion prompted a range of reactions on social media and in the news. Technology blog Gizmodo blasted the ambiguity of the remarks in an article titled Trump's Plan to Fight ISIS Online Is So Fucking Vacant I Can Barely Blog About It (filed to the category ireugjieogifdosjbnfdkslgjdslafjdsioalhfgdf...) centering on the impossibility of such a plan: The New York Times' Bits blog addressed the comments in an 8 December 2015 post titled Why Donald Trump’s Call to ‘Close Up’ the Internet Is Science Fiction, characterizing his statement as nebulous and technologically impossible in every conceivable way: Trump's comments caused a degree of confusion sufficient enough to prompt readers to ask whether the candidate made them at all, or if the remarks were the work of a satire news site. While it's true that Trump made the comments attributed to him at a 7 December 2015 rally, the specifics of his proposed internet counterterrorism initiative remained so unclear that gleaning a specific policy course of action from them was, by all interpretations, completely impossible. The clearest takeaway was that Trump referenced radicalized individuals in his remarks, and didn't suggest restricting the broader internet. The inherent implausibility of that plan (and its total lack of relevance to any free speech issue) aside, Trump didn't appear to suggest a sweeping internet ban. Bill Gates has yet to comment on Trump's proposal. [article-meta] (en)