  • 2021-07-02 (xsd:date)
  • Covid-19 vaccines do not contain tracking devices (en)
  • Social media posts claim Covid-19 vaccines could contain trackers, citing a video showing a positive reading when a device designed to detect pet chips is held over the arm of a vaccinated woman. This is false; the person who posted the video subsequently described it as a joke, and US health authorities say the vaccines do not contain trackers. They are literally tagging and tracking everybody taking the Jab, says a June 24, 2021 Facebook post featuring the video. Screenshot of a Facebook post taken July 2, 202 In the clip, the pet chip reader -- used to identify lost animals -- is held over a woman’s right arm and finds nothing, but returns a result when held over her left, in which she said she received her shot. It was posted on Tik Tok by user jasmine_0708, where it received more than 1.1 million likes and more than 400,000 shares. It then spread to Facebook , Instagram , as well as on Tik Tok . But the user later posted that the video was a joke, saying it’s obviously a dog chip that was being detected. Screenshot of a Tik Tok comment taken July 2, 2021 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that Covid-19 shots do not contain trackers. No, the government is not using the vaccine to track you, it says in a frequently asked questions sheet. There are no trackers in the vaccines themselves. State governments track where you got the vaccine and which kind you received using a computerized database to make sure you get all recommended doses at the right time, the sheet says. And Dr Jason Farley , a professor and nurse practitioner in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the Johns Hopkins Schools of Nursing and Medicine, told AFP on July 1 that there is no chip in any... vaccine product. According to fact sheets provided by health authorities in the US and Canada, none of the available Covid-19 vaccinations ( Pfizer , Moderna , Johnson & Johnson or AstraZeneca ) contain any metal-based ingredients. AFP Fact Check has debunked a series of false claims about Covid-19 vaccines containing microchips, part of a flood of inaccurate information circulating online about the deadly disease. (en)