  • 2018-08-14 (xsd:date)
  • The Death of John Crawford III (en)
  • As the NFL preseason schedule commenced in August 2018, President Donald Trump resumed his fierce criticism of players who protested against racial injustice and police brutality by kneeling or declining to stand on the field during the playing of the U.S. national anthem. After similar protests occurred during several games held on 9 August, President Trump the following morning posted a series of tweets claiming that the players themselves did not understand why they were demonstrating and calling for them to be suspended without pay: In response to this tweetstorm, Twitter user Anna Gallardo posted a meme about one particular fatal police shooting of a black man, writing: Since Donald Trump doesn't know why NFL players are protesting, let's retweet this. The meme, which was retweeted 120,000 times within three days, gave the following account of the death of an Ohio man named John Crawford III: The text of the meme was a modified version of an account which the progressive political action committee Voters for Equality published on Facebook in October 2017: The widely-shared August 2018 tweet prompted enquiries from readers about the overall veracity of the account presented in the meme. On the whole, the meme is highly accurate, but the claim that Crawford was shot before he even knew what was going on is a significant point of contention, based on the accounts presented by the police officers involved. Crawford's Trip to Walmart John Crawford III was shot dead on 5 August 2014 by Sean Williams, a police officer in the city of Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton. Crawford was shopping in the Walmart store at 3360 Pentagon Boulevard in the city. As the meme stated, he was indeed the father of two young sons aged five months and under two years old, according to the Cincinnati Enquirer. As reported by the Guardian, Crawford's girlfriend Tasha Thomas told police in an interview after the shooting that the couple had gone to the Walmart to buy the ingredients to make s'mores for a family cookout, as the meme stated. Multiple news reports confirm the claim in the meme that Crawford picked up an unpackaged pellet gun from a shelf in the Walmart store and walked around with it. The 911 Call Another Walmart customer, later identified as Ronald Ritchie, called 911 to report Crawford to police. Excerpts from an audio recording of the call were later published by multiple news organizations, in which Ritchie told dispatchers that Crawford had loaded a rifle and was pointing it at people, including children. Ritchie and his wife's initial characterizations of Crawford as a threat to shoppers were significantly discredited when surveillance video footage of the incident was released, and when Ritchie himself told the Guardian that At no point did [Crawford] shoulder the rifle and point it at somebody. Several witness statements later seen by the Guardian also negated the notion that Crawford was perceived as a threat by other shoppers: So while Ritchie did not take back every claim he made during his 911 call (he insisted that Crawford was waving [the pellet gun] around), he did later contradict a very significant claim which likely fuelled the escalated police response: that Crawford was pointing the gun at other shoppers, including children. The meme is again accurate in this respect. A judge in nearby Fairborn later ruled that sufficient grounds existed to charge Ritchie with raising false alarms, but Hamilton County special prosecutor Mark Piepmeier declined to proceed, deciding that the evidence was not clear that Ritchie knew his descriptions of Crawford's movements and actions were factually inaccurate. As the meme stated, Ohio is indeed an open carry state, meaning the carrying of a visible firearm (even a rifle) in public is lawful. However, the legality of open carry does not extend to using a firearm to threaten others. Although Crawford was apparently not threatening anyone and was carrying only a pellet gun, it's worth noting that police arriving at the scene had only one source of information (Ronald Ritchie) who had told them Crawford was carrying a loaded rifle and pointing it at children. The Shooting The claim that police shot Crawford before he even knew what was going on is the most contentious assertion made in the meme. The surveillance footage shows that a relatively very short period of time (mere seconds) elapsed between the arrival on the scene of Officer Sean Williams and Sergeant David Darkow, and Williams' fatal shooting of Crawford. However, Williams asserted that within that period of time, Darkow repeatedly shouted at Crawford to drop what the policemen thought was a loaded rifle, and that Crawford failed to do so. Williams also claimed that Crawford made an aggressive motion just before he fired two shots at Crawford. Here's how Williams described the incident in a statement he wrote on 5 August 2014: Elements of Williams' account were contradicted both by Darkow and civilian witnesses, as the Guardian reported: In his 911 call, Ritchie can be heard telling a dispatcher that Crawford was on his phone thirty seconds before his fatal shooting. It's plausible that Crawford, distracted by his phone call, was not aware of the presence of police or their instructions until it was too late. Accounts of two other important details also vary: how clear and specific the order police gave to Crawford was (and who exactly issued that order), and whether Crawford made an aggressive or defensive movement immediately before Williams shot him. At the 8:26:54 mark in the video published by WLWT, a voice can be heard shouting what appears to be Down! followed by what sounds like Put the weapon down, but two shots were seemingly fired before the second order was completed. Crawford also appeared to retreat sharply after the word Down was heard rather than moving towards the officers, who had not identified themselves as police. However, it's unclear whether Williams and Darkow issued any earlier instructions not captured in the background of Ritchie's 911 call, or how Crawford's movements and gestures appeared to Williams in person (rather than as seen on somewhat grainy surveillance footage). Ultimately, we can't say with certainty whether Crawford was shot before he even knew what was going on, as the meme claims, but evidence to that effect can be interpreted in various ways. Aftermath Williams shot Crawford in his torso and left arm, and Crawford died later that day at the hospital, as the meme states. Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine appointed Hamilton County prosecutor Mark Piepmeier to head a grand jury prosecution in Greene County, and in September 2014 that grand jury decided against indicting either Williams or Darkow on charges of murder, reckless homicide or negligent homicide. The U.S. Department of Justice investigated whether the shooting of Crawford involved a civil rights violation but ultimately decided it did not and declined to launch a federal civil rights prosecution against Williams: Williams returned to full duty a few days after the Justice Department announced their decision not to proceed with a civil rights prosecution. Crawford's family is suing Sean Williams, the city of Beavercreek, and Walmart in a federal civil wrongful death lawsuit. (en)