  • 2022-06-28 (xsd:date)
  • Biden is president. He didn’t resign (nl)
  • The Jan. 6 hearings have reinvigorated national conversations about the 2020 presidential election, and fueled some stubbornly wrong claims about its outcome. For the record: President Joe Biden fairly won the election and former President Donald Trump has not continued on as commander-in-chief, despite persistent misinformation online. Another old chestnut is getting renewed attention on social media: claims that Biden is abandoning his post. Joe Biden just resigned from the White House, one June 27 Facebook post said. It was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) We’ve previously debunked several other claims over the past year and a half that Biden resigned or was going to resign. RELATED VIDEO This new claim is also wrong. There’s no evidence that Biden has resigned. His public schedule is full of events, such as meeting other world leaders in Germany on June 28. Biden continues to make public remarks as president and his office is releasing statements on his behalf. We rate this post Pants on Fire! (en)