Viral video of a professional motorcyclist's stunt is frequently shared online with the claim the motorcyclist is an ordinary person evading police by jumping over a train track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsOFuH_F6AI The claim is true in the literal sense. But the video actually shows a professional motorcycle rider, Colby Raha, performing a planned stunt as police tried to stop him. The back story of the stunt seen in this video actually starts in 2004, when motorcyclist Colin Morrison jumped across this same gap. Morrison's stunt, which was featured in the PowerBand Films video On the Pipe 1, also featured a moving train: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHaBpbaKxvI Motorcyclist Kyle Katsandris attempted to recreate Morrison's jump in 2017 for Powerband Films video On the Pipe 7. Katsandris' attempt, however, was unsuccessful and landed the 24-year-old stuntman in the hospital: The Los Angeles Times reported: A few months after Katsandris' unsuccessful attempt, Raha turned up to this location for a turn at the jump. But it appears police were alerted to Raha's attempt and tried to stop him from jumping the tracks. The stunts by Morrison, Katsandris, and Raha are all featured in the following clip from Powerband Films: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WB2BqhHLLw We should note these stunts typically require a lot of preparation, not only for the stunt itself, but also for the camera crew to work out a plan to get the best footage. A behind-the-scenes video for On The Pipe 7 shows that the Powerband Films camera crews used drones, and sometimes helicopters, in order to film these stunts. If you look closely on the hill near Raha's landing spot, you can see a person filming the stunt. To sum up: This video does not show an ordinary citizen making an impromptu decision to evade police by jumping over a train track. The viral video instead appears to show police officers trying to stop a planned stunt shortly after another motorcyclist was injured performing a similar jump. We reached out to Raha, Powerband Films, and the Simi Valley Police Department, and we will update this article if more information becomes available.