  • 2015-05-11 (xsd:date)
  • Yoko Ono: 'I Had An Affair with Hillary Clinton in the '70s' (en)
  • On 8 May 2015, World News Daily Report published an article titled 'Yoko Ono: 'I Had An Affair with Hillary Clinton in the '70s.' According to that article, Yoko Ono (widow of John Lennon) shocked reporters at a press conference on 7 May 2015 when she casually admitted to a decades-earlier intimate partnering with former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton: A photograph of Clinton that accompanied the article bore a caption claiming the presidential hopeful has been hit by a series of allegations of being a lesbian in her career which could ruin her bid for the presidency, believe some experts. But while Yoko Ono did receive some media attention on 7 May 2015, it was not due to a major admission involving Hillary Clinton; rather it was an announcement that Ono was collaborating on a series of coffee cups with the company illy Art. Had Ono admitted anything of the sort, that report would have reached mainstream media sources. But World News Daily Report is a fake news site whose disclaimer page clearly states that its content is not news and is not meant to be taken seriously: World News Daily Report's past confabulations include a purported eyewitness account of Jesus' miracles, a sad (and fake) claim about loggers killing the world's oldest tree, and a spun-up tale about the discovery of a prehistoric shark in Pakistan. (en)