After a year as tumultuous as 2020, the idea of living on a deserted island might sound like an inviting prospect. However, the reality of being stranded in an uninhabited place might not match the relaxing picture painted in popular culture. Three Cuban people found that out for themselves after their boat capsized in early January 2021. The U.S. Coast Guard rescued them 33 days later on a deserted island. On Feb. 10, 2021, The Associated Press reported that they survived only on what was available on the island: It wasn't clear if the group was attempting to come to the U.S. or were just lost at sea. It's not every day you come across three individuals stranded for 33 days in an island, pilot Lt. Riley Beecher said. This was far from being the first such rescue. For example, on April 27, 1986, the Journal and Courier in Lafayette, Indiana, reported on a similar effort. This one also took place on an uninhabited Bahamian island. However, this time the rescue involved 150 Haitian refugees.