  • 2007-10-09 (xsd:date)
  • She's been active on issues for 9/11 workers (en)
  • In a Clinton campaign ad airing in Iowa and New Hampshire, an announcer says the New York senator has been a strong advocate for workers who responded to the 9/11 attacks. She stood by ground zero workers who sacrificed their health after so many sacrificed their lives and kept standing till this administration took action, the announcer says.As you might expect for a senator from the state where the deadliest attack occurred, the record indicates she has been a consistent advocate for workers who responded to the World Trade Center and cleaned up the debris after the two buildings were destroyed.Soon after the attacks, Clinton and fellow New York Sen. Charles Schumer pushed legislation to aid New York City's recovery. She also has been a proponent of government programs to track the health of workers who were exposed to smoke and dust at the site. The doctors who monitored the workers' health credited Clinton with steering $12-million to a Centers for Disease Control program for that work.Clinton has testified at hearings on the health status of 9/11 workers, and she has publicly criticized the Environmental Protection Agency for its early statement that the air at the World Trade Center site was safe.There is considerable evidence that she has been active on issues to help and protect the workers, so we find her claim to be True. (en)