  • 2022-09-28 (xsd:date)
  • Did The UK Ban The COVID-19 Vaccine Due To Health Concerns? (en)
  • A post shared on Facebook claims the U.K. has banned the COVID-19 vaccine for children over concerns about adverse effects on children. Verdict: False While the U.K. has issued new guidance recommending children ages 5-11 be non-urgently offered the vaccine, they have not banned the vaccine outright for that age group. Fact Check: Japan recently eased border restrictions and began welcoming non-visa travel and they plan to remove their daily border entry cap this October as the country removed COVID-19 protocols and policies, according to the Japan Times . Additionally, Denmark recently eased their vaccination policies for children under 18 following a decline in cases, CNBC reported. The Facebook post claims U.K. officials moved to ban children from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Children in the UK aged 5-11 will no longer be offered COVID jabs, the post’s caption reads in part. The jab was also banned from children who had not turned five by the end of the last month. This decision was due to concerns with developmental side effects in children, the caption continues. (RELATED: Is Monkeypox Only Spreading In Countries Where The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Has Been Distributed?) This claim is incorrect. The U.K. Department of Health and Social Care advised a non-urgent offer for the vaccine to children ages 5-11 upon the advice of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI). A report from the JCVI stated the demographic’s low risk of hospitalization led to the recommendation, adding the priority for vaccination is adults and vulnerable young people. Those between the ages of five to 49 that are in a clinical risk group or who are household contacts to those with immunosuppression are advised to receive a booster vaccine for the fall, the JCVI recommended. There are no credible news reports , however, suggesting that the health advisory was changed due to health concerns caused by the vaccine. This is not the first time false information about the COVID-19 vaccines has been shared on social media. Check Your Fact recently debunked a post claiming that Denmark banned the vaccine for children. (en)