  • 2020-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • Did Goebbels Say Intellectuals 'Would Always Yield to the Stronger'? (en)
  • Dr. Joseph Goebbels was the head of the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda in Germany under the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler from 1933-45, a figure who never wavered from his carefully crafted message of German superiority and rabid anti-Semitism. During the presidency of Donald Trump, a statement attributed to Goebbels was circulated via a quote meme, a statement claiming that propaganda proved ineffective on intellectuals and was therefore best crafted to appeal (not necessarily truthfully) to the emotions of the man in the street: As is often the case, although the statement offered in the meme may be correct in a broad sense (i.e., by accurately reflecting the philosophy of Goebbels), the specific attribution of it to Goebbels as something the propagandist actually said is incorrect. Rather than reflecting the literal words of Goebbels, the statement is a third party's summary of Goebbels' viewpoint. These words were in fact written by British historian Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper for the introduction to his 1978 book Final Entries 1945, which was based on the discovered diaries of Joseph Goebbels, as edited and annotated by Trevor-Roper: The blog at, which tracks some faux Goebbels quotations, notes of this one that: (en)