  • 2016-04-29 (xsd:date)
  • American Psychiatric Association Condones Pedophilia (en)
  • On 25 April 2016, the web site Patriot Nation published an article reporting that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) now officially condones pedophilia, and that the group had deemed it normal for adults to be sexually attracted to children. The article implied that growing acceptance of gay and transgender rights had created a cascade of escalating acceptance for other behaviors previously regarded as deviant: The article (which didn't offer very many details at all) cited a January 2016 blog post about the purported academic conference where this pronouncement was made, stating that the event had occurred last year: That blog, in turn, referenced a 2014 article from The Telegraph, which reported on papers that had been presented at a University of Cambridge conference back in July 2013: It is true that the conference was for academic discussion and debate of the DSM-5 (short for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), which standardizes classifications of mental disorders in the United States, and that the DSM-IV standards were revised and updated in May 2013. However, the supposed cause-and-effect chronology implied here (by the Patriot Nation article and others) is clearly askew, as University of Cambridge event occurred two months after the American Psychiatric Association revised their classifications. It's also true that the DSM-5 slightly adjusted their classification of pedophilia, defining it as a sexual orientation or profession of sexual preference devoid of consummation, and supplanting the common usage of the word with pedophilic disorder,and that the DSM-5 does not classify hebephilia (attraction to pubescent, rather than pre-pubescent, children) as a mental disorder. But the decision to omit the latter from the updated manual had nothing to do with either societal acceptance of LGBT issues or the 2013 Cambridge University conference. A representative from the American Psychiatric Association told us that the organization does not condone pedophilia, nor does it espouse the position that sexual attraction to children is normal or healthy. (en)