  • 2017-10-26 (xsd:date)
  • Did a British Pub Chain Ban 'Offensive' Remembrance Poppies? (en)
  • In late October 2017, social media rumors appeared with the claim that British pub chain JD Wetherspoon had banned the remembrance poppy (an artificial flower typically worn on Remembrance Day, mostly in Commonwealth countries, in order to commemorate military members who have died in conflict zones) in its venues, forbidding staff from wearing them: Previous rumors regarding bans on British traditions such as poppies, England jerseys, and foods seemed to appear from the ether, but in this case the claim had a traceable origin. A since-suspended Twitter account (@WETHERSP00N_UK) managed to trick many users into believing it was an authentic page for the chain and shared the following tweet in an apparent attempt to agitate people on social media: People on social media, predictably, swore off the pub chain based on the phony tweet. On 26 October 2017, the official Twitter account for JD Wetherspoon disavowed the impostor account and set the record straight in a tweet published to its real, verified Twitter feed: As is the case with similar falsehoods, the provided reason (multiculturalism) provided a way for people to couch xenophobic views behind a true story. (en)