  • 2013-04-01 (xsd:date)
  • Joshua Max Gallagher (so)
  • Examples: [Collected via Facebook, April 2013] BABY BEATER!! THIS IS 24 YR OLD JOSHUA MAX GALLAGHER, a baby beater who attacked a 17 month baby girl so bad her family were told to say there goodbyes, she suffered a fractured skull in 2 places, bleeding to the brain, fist mark bruises to one side of her face, finger marks down her back, where we were told he slammed her off the wall or floor and a lot more !! PLEASE SHARE THIS PHOTO, NAME AND SHAME THIS ANIMAL FROM BUDE, CORNWALL. Origins: This message purportedly identifying and picturing a 24-year-old man named Joshua Max Gallagher of Bude (a small seaside resort town in north Cornwall, England) began circulating via social media in April 2013, accusing him of having beaten a 17-month-old girl so badly that he fractured her skull and imploring viewers to name and shame him. We don't know how accurate this Internet-circulated account might be, other than to note that someone of the same name and age has had several run-ins with the law in Cornwall in the last few years. For example, the Cornish Guardian reported on a GBH (grievous bodily harm) hearing for Joshua Gallagher in March 2012 (for an assault which took place the previous August), stating that: Joshua Gallagher, aged 23, of Valley View, Bude, charged with causing grievous bodily harm with intent on August 25 at Bude, has been sent to Truro Crown Court on conditional bail for a hearing on June 20. He was before Bodmin magistrates on March 13. A few months later, that same publication reported the same man had been arrested (while out on bail for the GBH charge) for smashing a window at his girlfriend's home and then threatening police: Police were subjected to violent threats by a man they had arrested in Bude for breaking a window, a court was told.Joshua Gallagher, 23, who gave an address at Valley Road, Bude, appeared before Bodmin magistrates in custody on May 18 after his arrest in the early hours of the previous day.He pleaded guilty to causing damage valued at £200 to the window and disorderly behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to two officers.Jill Wilson, for the prosecution, said that police were called to a property in Bude in the early hours of May 17 because Gallagher was banging on his girlfriend's door, shouting as she slept inside.He agreed to go and stay elsewhere and the police left.However, at about 1am they were called back and arrived to find a double-glazed window had been smashed at the woman's flat and Gallagher was now inside with blood on his hand and a cut to his arm.Arrested for causing criminal damage, he became verbally aggressive to PCs Flynn and Theobald, shouting, swearing and making threats to kill them. He had to be restrained.Mrs Wilson said that Gallagher had previous convictions for violent behaviour in a police station and had been jailed in 2009 for assaulting an officer. A court listing for Truro (an administrative center in Cornwall) indicates that a named Joshua Max Gallagher appeared in court there for sentencing on 28 March 2013. Still, we don't know if the person pictured above is the Joshua Gallagher referenced here, or whether the account of his severely beating a baby girl is accurate. (en)