In late October 2022, we received reader mail that asked about a Facebook post that was being copied, pasted, and shared that claimed, 988 is a new system that recently went live to help people reach help in a mental health crisis. It's true that 988 is a real U.S. phone number that people can either can either call or text if they're dealing with mental health crises and/or thoughts of suicide. As of the time we published this story, it was also true that the number was relatively new. The full copy-and-paste posts, which we call copypasta, read as follows: We found no shortage of people copying and pasting this helpful information verbatim on Facebook: We previously reported in July 2020 that the 988 number was in the works. One year later, The Associated Press published that the new system was going live. It launched on July 16, 2021: Over the years, we've often found that Facebook copypasta posts contained misleading information. However, in this case, the posts were completely accurate. According to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline website, in addition to the 988 number, the previous 1-800-273-TALK (8255) number will continue to function indefinitely.