An image of an optical illusion created with tiles in a checkered-floor hallway is frequently shared with text asserting that it displays one school's ingenious solution for preventing students from running in the hallways. An article published by American Web Media in March 2018, for example, provided the following backstory for this viral photograph: This is a genuine photograph of an optical illusion on the floor of small hallway, but the discouraging students from running backstory is pure fiction. This hallway was designed by Casa Ceramica, a tile company in the United Kingdom, and is located at the entrance of their showroom (not a school). The design, partly inspired by Alice in Wonderland, took more than 400 tiles to create. Although the hallway may look severely uneven, its floor is actually a perfectly flat surface. Casa Ceramica posted an explanatory article about this image to their web site in September 2017 when the picture of their unusual hallway first started making its way around the internet: Casa Ceramica has also addressed the hallway rumors on social media: