  • 2016-08-09 (xsd:date)
  • Donald Trump Made Donations to NAMBLA? (en)
  • In August 2016, at the height of the presidential campaign, a Reddit user programmed a robot to respond to any mention of the words tax return with a comment insinuating that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump refuses to release his tax returns because he has donated millions of dollars to an organization that promotes pederasty. The bot called AutoModerator responds to every comment in the sub-reddit EnoughTrumpSpam with the phrase: The phrase is accompanied by a disclaimer that it was generated by a bot. But that hasn't stopped the oblique accusation that Trump may be a member of the North American Man/Boy Love Association from making its way around the Internet: A Reddit user who calls himself J. Peterman — possibly a reference to a character on the television sitcom Seinfeld — said he created the bot to mock Trump for his habit of making claims that he attributes to nameless people: For example, in June 2016, Trump hinted that President Barack Obama may have had a connection to the shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, saying: A Reddit moderator who goes by Faiz and claims to have helped launch the bot told us that he believes it turns Trump's own manner of generating suspicions against his opponents against him: J. Peterman said he was taken aback by how much attention the bot generated. The prank seems to have caught fire, with someone jumping in to create a fake Fox News page with the title: NAMBLA neither confirms nor denies Trump's donation allegations. Faiz, the moderator, said he hopes that the prank goes far enough that Trump's campaign is forced to respond to it. The ultimate coup de grâce, he told the Daily Beast, would be if it forces Trump to do something he has adamantly refused to do: release his tax returns. The only logical conclusion would really be Trump releasing his tax returns but he would never do that because he’s hiding donations to NAMBLA, Faiz told the Daily Beast. That’s what I’ve heard from some very smart people anyway. You can see the bot in action in the screenshot taken from Reddit here: It's worth noting that even if the story were true, NAMBLA is not a nonprofit organization, and so donations to the group would not show up on Trump's tax returns. (en)