  • 2016-08-17 (xsd:date)
  • Tim Kaine: 'Whites Must Become a Minority' (en)
  • On 11 August 2016, Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine delivered a 54-minute speech before the National Progressive Baptist Convention in which he began by discussing his faith, his life-changing experiences working as a volunteer with missionaries in Honduras during his college years, and finding a spiritual home at a Catholic church in Highland Park, a racially diverse neighborhood of his wife's hometown, Richmond, Virginia. At one point, he stressed the value of experiencing what life is like for people who live in circumstances different from one's own: The meaning of Kaine's comments was clear: One needs to be able to walk in other people's shoes to understand them. That's not how it was presented on conservative blogs and web sites, however. In little noticed comments, reported GOP The Daily Dose, Hillary’s running mate Tim Kaine told a black audience in New Orleans that white people must become a 'minority' in order to properly atone for racism and oppression suffered by blacks. The web site then misquoted him: First, although it is in the speech, the sentence I've never been treated badly in life because of my skin color or my gender was spoken several minutes later in a completely different context. Second, Kaine didn't say, We have to put ourselves in a place where we are the minority. He said, We’ve got to put ourselves in situations where we’re in the minority and come to understand a reality that’s different than the one that we just take for granted every day. On Laura Ingraham's, writer Edmund Kozak similarly misrepresented Kaine's words. In an article subtitled Clinton running mate seems to admit Democratic policies will bring down white, middle-class Americans, Kozak reported: But Kaine seemed to suggest no such thing. Anyone interested to know what Tim Kaine actually had to say can view the entire speech via YouTube (or read the transcript here): (en)