  • 2010-07-06 (xsd:date)
  • Courageous Restraint Medals (en)
  • Example: [Collected via e-mail, July 2010] The greatest insult to our troops in the field, and to the officers who lead them, may be a new battlefield medal designed by the Obama team. It is called the Courageous Restraint Medal and is awarded to soldiers and Marines who demonstrate uncommon restrain in combat by not firing their weapons even when they feel threatened by the enemy. Would we be surprised to learn that the preponderance of these medals were awarded posthumously? Origins: In May 2010, NATO commanders were weighing options for reducing civilian casualties in Afghanistan. One notion that was considered was recognizing troops for courageous restraint if they avoided using force that could endanger innocent lives, and British Maj. Gen. Nick Carter proposed the idea of an award for soldiers who demonstrated that quality: (en)