  • 2016-03-24 (xsd:date)
  • Congressman Offers 'ISIS Hunting Tags' for Donations (en)
  • On 24 March 2016, a Facebook page purporting to be that of Montana Rep. Ryan Zinke posted an offer for an ISIS Hunting Tag: The Facebook message redirected people to a campaign donation web site that further explained the message behind the tags: The tags drew mixed reactions. While some applauded Zinke for his stance on ISIS and the fight against terrorism, others criticized him for attempting to capitalize on people's fears by posting his ISIS Hunting Tags shortly after the terrorist attack in Brussels: The tags are real, in the sense that they exist and can be purchased. Whether or not these tags are an official part of Zinke's campaign is uncertain, as they originated with a Facebook page that wasn't verified (his official page is, but the tags don't show up on those, and there is a second campaign donation page that links from his official web site, as well). It's possible that Zinke created the pages and the ISIS tag campaign separately. It's also possible that it was set up by someone unrelated to the campaign (this is the internet, after all). In case the point was unclear, however, these tags do not provide anyone with an actual license to kill anyone, no matter how much is donated. The site, whether or not it belongs to Zinke's re-election campaign, does carry a disclaimer clarifying this point: We've reached out to Zinke's campaign for clarification and will update accordingly. (en)