Huma Abedin Hid Hillary Clinton Emails in Life Insurance Folder –Unproven! Huma Abedin Hid Hillary Clinton Emails in Life Insurance Folder – Unproven! Summary of eRumor: Huma Abedin hid 10,000 emails related to Hillary Clinton in a folder labeled life insurance. The Truth: We haven’t seen any proof that Huma Abedin hid emails related to Hillary Clinton in a folder labeled life insurance. That earliest version of that rumor appears to have come from actress Morgan Brittany’s Twitter account. After FBI Director James Comey announced that agents had discovered thousands of emails related to Clinton’s private email server on a computer used by Abedin and her estranged husband Anthony Weiner, Brittany tweeted : The tweet appears to refer to long-running body count conspiracy theories that Bill and Hillary Clinton have routinely murdered people who have crossed them or jeopardized their political standing ( click here for our full report on that ). The idea is that Abedin hid the email in a life insurance folder because she could use them as leverage to prevent the Clintons from murdering her if politically convenient. Brittany regularly jokes about Hillary Clinton being corrupt on Twitter. It’s not clear whether she meant this tweet as a joke or not, but there’s no source material or proof to back up the claim that Abedin actually hid emails in a life insurance folder. Still, the tweet was widely repeated on Twitter and eventually made its way into reports about Clinton’s latest email controversy on fringe websites. Nation One News , for example, published a report under the headline, Huma Abedin Kept Emails in ‘Life Insurance’ Folder, that cited only Brittany’s tweet. Given lack of proof that rumors about Abedin’s life insurance folder are true or false, we’re calling this one unproven for the time being. Posted in Politics Tagged 2016 election , conspiracy , hillary clinton , the clintons