  • 2016-06-16 (xsd:date)
  • 'Islamic Refugee' with Gas Pipeline Plans Arrested in New Mexico Border County (en)
  • On 15 June 2016, Judicial Watch reported that an Islamic refugee was recently arrested in Luna County, New Mexico. The woman was purportedly in possession of plans to interfere with local gas pipelines: The article was published days after the June 2016 mass shooting in Orlando. The claim spread like wildfire on social media and unreliable blogs, all citing Judicial Watch's unnamed sources in local law enforcement. The article also didn't say where in the Middle East the Islamic refugee came from, how someone can be a refugee but also undocumented, how authorities knew she was Islamic, or what she was supposedly doing with plans to a gas pipeline. (The article heavily implied, but didn't actually state, that police found any evidence that she was planning to blow up the pipeline.) Judicial Watch has previously misreported or misrepresented other stories, such as one 2014 claim that ISIS was entering the United States via Mexico, and planning an imminent attack: We contacted the Luna County Sheriff's Department to inquire about the rumors, and a representative told us that there was absolutely no truth to the story: that no such arrests had been made, no such refugees had been apprehended, no such gas pipeline plans had been uncovered in the course of any criminal apprehensions. Likewise, the U.S. Border Patrol told us: We’re just as confused as you are. We heard nothing about it and contacted the Luna County sheriff’s department to see what they said. The story appears to be completely, one hundred percent fabricated and we have no knowledge of anything like that happening. (en)