  • 2012-07-25 (xsd:date)
  • Did Thomas Jefferson Advise Carrying a Gun While Exercising to Ensure Mental and Physical Wellness? (en)
  • In July 2012, a Snopes reader asked our fact-checkers to determine whether former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson was the source of the below-transcribed quote that advised carrying a gun while exercising to ensure physical and mental wellness. The reader emailed: The passage quoted above is indeed an excerpt from a letter Jefferson wrote to his nephew, Peter Carr, on Aug. 19, 1785, as collected in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson. It was part of a longer section in which Jefferson touted the benefits of physical exercise (such as walking or shooting) in ensuring both bodily health and mental health. The letter read: Snopes has also investigated whether Jefferson said the following quotes that people have attributed to him over the years: (en)