On 10 February 2016, the satirical Flat Sun Society Facebook community shared a meme reporting that solar panels are not really a form of renewable energy. Rather, they're a bad idea because the light they absorb is lot forever, and they therefore drain the sun. That meme was originally shared by another satirical Facebook community, Christians for Michele Bachmann, on 5 October 2015. and a similar jape was also published by the fake news site National Report in May 2014: The claim that solar panels drain energy from the sun is, of course, not factual. Shortly after the National Report published their fictitious article about the dangers of solar panels, other sites noted in addressing the widespread rumor: While the Flat Sun Society Facebook community does not label their content as satire, the Facebook page does provide a few hints at its true intention. For instance, instead of providing a URL for the Flat Sun Society or another like-minded page, the group simply lists its web site as Google.com, likely so confused visitors can fact-check their dubious memes.