  • 2020-12-09 (xsd:date)
  • This video shows a presidential campaign rally in Buenos Aires in 2019, not Maradona's funeral (en)
  • A video has been viewed hundreds of times on multiple Facebook and Instagram posts alongside a claim that it shows the funeral of football legend Diego Maradona, who died in November 2020, in Argentina. The claim is false; the clip actually shows a presidential campaign rally in 2019 in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires. The video has been viewed more than 200 times after it was posted on Facebook here on November 28, 2020. Translated to English, the Indonesian-language caption reads: The Funeral of Diego Maradona in Argentina. A screenshot of the misleading post, taken on December 3, 2020 Tens of thousands of people in Buenos Aires bid farewell to Argentine football legend Diego Maradona, who died on November 25, 2020, at the age of 60, as reported here by AFP. The video has been viewed more than 750 times after it appeared with a similar claim here and here on Facebook, as well as here on Instagram. The claim, however, is false. A Google reverse image search using keyframes obtained from digital verification tool InVID-WeVerify found this similar video was posted on Twitter on October 20, 2019. La convocatoria política más numerosa desde la de Alfonsín en 1983. Ahora que van a decir los medios de prensa de los K que mienten en todos los actos de Macri? NADA ESTÁ PERDIDO. TODO ES POSIBLE SI CUIDAMOS CADA VOTO.. — El Censor86 (@ElCensor3) October 20, 2019 The Spanish-language tweet, translated to English, reads: The largest political gathering since Alfonsin in 1983. Now what will the K’s media say about the lies in all Macri events? NOTHING IS LOST. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF WE TAKE CARE OF EVERY VOTE. Alfonsin refers to late Argentine president Raul Alfonsin , who was elected to office in 1983 and was the first civilian leader after the country’s eight years of military rule. K is a reference to former president Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) and his successor and wife, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (2007-2015). Macri refers to Mauricio Macri , who served as Argentine president from December 2015 to December 2019. Macri ran for re-election in 2019, and his campaign rally on October 19, 2019, attracted a massive crowd at the Obelisk monument in Buenos Aires, as reported here and here . Below is a screenshot comparison of the video in the misleading post (L) and the Twitter video (R): Screenshot comparison of the video in the misleading post (L) and the Twitter video (R) Macri’s campaign banner, which says Si Se Puede (Yes You Can), and giant screens can be seen at the 0:03 mark of the misleading video, which match the scene captured by this AFP photo of Macri’s campaign rally. The Obelisk monument is also visible in the misleading video. Below is a screenshot comparison of the video in the misleading post (L) and the AFP photo (R): Screenshot comparison of the video in the misleading post (L) and the AFP photo (R) Macri lost the re-election bid in late October 2019. AFP previously debunked a claim that the video shows a protest against the current Argentine president, Alberto Fernandez , in June 2020. (en)