  • 2020-09-28 (xsd:date)
  • No, Jared Kushner did not delete tweets after New York Times published story on Trump’s taxes (en)
  • Recent revelations about President Donald Trump’s tax history sparked misinformation about the online activity of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. One Facebook post claims Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser, deleted all of his tweets after the New York Times published its investigation of the president’s tax returns on Sept. 27. Shoutout to Jared Kushner who deleted all of his tweets after the tax story broke, the post reads . Genius. No way anyone has copies of that s---. The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. ( Read more about our partnership with Facebook. ) The claim is wrong. PolitiFact searched archived versions of Kushner’s Twitter profile to determine that he hasn’t had tweets on his account in many years. There were no tweets to delete. According to Kushner’s verified Twitter profile , he joined the site in April 2009 and he currently has 0 Tweets. This is consistent with archived versions of Kushner’s Twitter profile from years past. One of the earliest archived versions of Kushner’s profile from April 5, 2011, shows that he had tweeted three times , mostly about his decision to join Twitter. In March 2014, those were still the only tweets on Kushner’s profile. By Oct. 18, 2016, those tweets were deleted.@jaredkushner hasn't tweeted yet, the archived Twitter profile reads . Another version of the profile archived on the website confirms Kushner had no tweets on his account as of Jan. 10, 2017, more than a week before Trump took office. Similarly, as of Aug. 17, 2020 — a little more than a month before the New York Times investigation brought Trump’s tax history back into the spotlight on Sept. 27 — Kushner still had no tweets on his account. @jaredkushner hasn’t Tweeted, the archived Twitter profile reads . When they do, their Tweets will show up here. We rate this claim False. (en)