In October 2022, Facebook users copied and pasted posts that claimed, Facebook will start charging this summer. The copy-and-paste posts, which we refer to as copypasta, claimed that the news was official and that the posts had been signed by the users, a word that was sometimes misspelled as signal. The posts claimed the news had even been broadcast on TV. However, this was nothing more than a repeated iteration of a long-running Facebook hoax. To be clear, Meta has never announced any plans to charge Facebook users money in order for them to be able to use the platform. We found no shortage of these posts being copied and pasted in mid-October. A search for Facebook will start charging this summer returned a seemingly endless number of results. The copy-and-paste post usually read something like this, with the time changed in some posts depending upon when the user shared the text: After the Facebook will start charging this summer text, some of the posts that we found then continued by including words from previous iterations of this same hoax: We previously debunked this rumor in 2009, then published another story about it in 2020. The version of the hoax that uses the words this summer had apparently been going around since at least 2011. Despite being well over a decade old, Facebook users often share various posts that ask others to copy and paste the text, as if doing so would establish precautionary measures against a future development. However, as Jerry once told Kramer on the Seinfeld TV series, I don't know if what you have here constitutes a legally binding document.